Sell Your Books Direct, Effortlessly

Selling books directly from your website gives indie authors more control, higher profits, and faster payments. But getting started can be daunting.

Fox Glen Media simplifies direct book selling. Our services, from coaching to book listing to full webstore setup, make it easy to sell your books on your own.

About Todd Foxwood

As an indie author and seasoned e-entrepreneur, I’ve been selling products online direct to customers for over a decade. Now, I’m embarking on my next venture – selling my books through my own webstore, starting with my debut novel launching in Spring 2025.

For me, direct sales are a no-brainer given my eCommerce expertise. But I know the prospect of selling direct can be daunting for many authors. If fear, intimidation, or a lack of time is preventing you from reaping the benefits of owning your own webstore, you’ve come to the right place.